Daniel Fasquelle
Of CounselDaniel Fasquelle is a Law Professor. He conducted his doctor’s thesis in Private Law at Panthéon-Assas University in Paris, on European and American competition law. He is Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Law of the Littoral-Côte-d’Opale University. A very active Member of the French Parliament, he was Vice-Chairman of the Commission for Economic Affairs of the National Assembly for a decade.
Daniel is notably the author of a report entitled “Structuring digital platforms: strengthening competition law, creating a regulatory law” with Valéria Faure-Muntian, submitted in May 2020 to the French National Assembly.
He was also in charge of the Common Market Dictionary for several years and is often in Brussels.
As Mayor of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, Daniel knows perfectly well the problems encountered by local authorities.
His expertise both of the law and of the relevant institutions places Daniel in a naturally privileged position to advise businesses in competition, distribution and European matters of all kinds.
- Daniel Fasquelle’s Thesis received the International League of Competition Law Award in Berlin in 1995.
Daniel Fasquelle has frequently been published in the Concurrences law review since its creation in 2004, in particular on all matters relating to distribution and digital issues.
For several years, he was in charge of the Common Market Dictionary (GLN Editions) which later became the Joly Communautaire.
For several years, he led the Laboratory for Legal Research (LARJ).
He is a board member of the French Competition Association (AFEC – Association Française d’Etude de la Concurrence).
As a Member of the French Parliament, Daniel has authored numerous reports, including a report “on the relationship between major principals and subcontractors in the industrial sectors” co-authored with Denis Sommer in June 2019 and a report entitled “Structuring digital platforms: strengthening competition law, creating a regulatory law” co-authored with Valéria Faure-Muntian that was presented in May 2020
- Competition law
- Distribution law
- European law
- Consumer law
- Agrégé of Law Faculties (private law and criminal sciences)
- Doctor of Laws (Thesis in comparative competition law)
- Bachelor of Laws (Licence),
- Maîtrise and Master Degree (DEA) in European Law, Master Degree (DEA) in Criminal Law (Paris II)
- Certificate of aptitude for the profession of Avocat (CAPA)
- Certificate in Anglo-American legal terminology and translation (Institute of comparative law, Paris)
- French
- English

Squadra Avocats supports French and international businesses on all types of issues relating to competition, both in an advisory capacity and in litigation. Our team also boasts specific expertise in both domestic and European distribution laws. We also represent and defend our clients’ interests before the European institutions.
• Competition law
• Distribution law
• Digital law
• European law
• Consumer law
• Lobbying